En navidad doy las gracias – 4

Hoy voy a dar las gracias a la tele por presentarme a un Presidente como diox manda. Un Martin Sheen soberbio en su papel de Jed Bartlet, Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América en «The West Wing«. Esta serie revolucionó la televisión, desde el punto de vista político y ello le valió 4 Emmys consecutivos a la mejor serie dramática. Los 4 años que su creador, Aaron Sorkin, la dirigió.

Por todos los santos del santoral: ¡qué buena es esta serie! Es una de mis preferidas de todos los tiempos con algunos de los personajes más bien hilvanados de la historia de la política. ¿Por qué no se irá Zapatitos y pondrán a Josh Lyman?



Leo McGarry: You know, sometimes,
I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
President Josiah Bartlet: Sometimes I’m just making it up.


Josh Lyman: Senator, take your legislative agenda and shove it up your ass.


C.J. Cregg: What are you taking?
President Josiah Bartlet: I don’t know. My wife hands me pills,
I swallow them with water.
Sam Seaborn: Sir?
President Josiah Bartlet: Vitamin C, Vitamin B. Is it possible I’m taking something called euthanasia?
Sam Seaborn: Echinacea?
President Josiah Bartlet: Ah, that sounds more like it.


Josh Lyman: All I’m saying is, if you were in an accident,
I wouldn’t stop to get a beer.
Donna Moss: If you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for red lights.


President Josiah Bartlet: I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends – apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends’ mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don’t vote, do they?


Sam Seaborn: How do you feel there, Big Guy?
Toby Ziegler: Like I just got screwed with my pants on.


C.J. Cregg: The theme of the Egg Hunt is «learning is delightful and delicious»
– as, by the way, am I.


Josh Lyman: You know what, CJ? I really think I’m the best judge of what I mean, you paranoid Berkeley shiksa feminista… Wow, that was way too far.
C.J. Cregg: No. No. Well, I’ve got a staff meeting to go to and so do you, you elitist, Harvard, fascist, missed-the-dean’s-list-two-semesters-in-a-row
Yankee jackass.
Josh Lyman: Feel better getting that off your chest there, C.J.?
C.J. Cregg: I’m a whole new woman.


Es por eso que hoy voy a pedir la edición especial de coleccionista de las 7 temporadas de «The West Wing» con esta carterita presidencial tan chachi-pilongui. Porque aunque ya tenga 5 de las 7, por separado, estos trastitos diogenésicos nunca están de más. ¡Me encanta acumularlos! Este verano en NY me compré la taza presidencial en la tienda de la NBC y ahora me tomo el café de cada mañana como lo haría Jed Bartlet.


Bartlet for America